Disaster evacuation and survival guidebook

  Regardless of where we live, there is a possibility that we could one day face a dangerous emergency situation. This thought may seem alarming, but there are specific steps we can take to be better prepared. This article is intended to provide practical tips on evacuation and disaster survival.

   1. Preparing for evacuation


One of the most important parts of preparing for an evacuation is having a plan. The plan should include information on:

  •  Ways to contact family and relatives,

  •  Places to meet after evacuation,

  •  Knowledge of local evacuation plans and shelter locations.

  We should always be ready to evacuate quickly. An evacuation package should include:

  • Important documents (e.g., ID card, passport, insurance cards),

  • First aid supplies,

  • Food and water supplies,

  • Particularly important personal items.

   2. Survival during a disaster

During a disaster, the most important thing is to remain calm and follow official instructions. Regardless of the type of disaster, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • We should always seek up-to-date information from reliable sources.

  • In the case of natural disasters, we should seek the nearest shelter or safe place.

  • We should always have basic first aid supplies, food and water on hand for several days.


   3. After a disaster

After a disaster, there may still be hazards. It is important to:

  • Continue to monitor reliable sources of information,

  • Stay in a safe place until it is confirmed that it is safe,

  • Seek help as needed, both physical and psychological.

   4. Prepare for different types of disasters

  Different disasters require different actions. It is useful to know the basic rules for dealing with natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), technical failures (e.g., power plant failures, fires, chemical spills), and emergencies (e.g., terrorist attacks, shootings, riots).

  In summary, while we cannot predict everything that can happen during a disaster, being well prepared can be crucial to our safety and survival.


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